5 Commands to Teach Your New Puppy

Welcoming a new puppy into your home is an exciting time filled with cuddles, playful antics, and the joy of watching your little furball grow. However, it’s also a critical period for laying the groundwork for good behavior and lifelong obedience. At Puppy Play and Stay, we understand the importance of early training to ensure your puppy grows into a well-mannered companion. Here are five essential commands to teach your new puppy.


Teaching your puppy to sit is one of the most fundamental commands. It’s the building block for many other behaviors and helps your dog learn to be calm and patient.

How to Teach It:

  1. Hold a treat close to your puppy’s nose.
  2. Move your hand up, allowing their head to follow the treat and causing their bottom to lower.
  3. Once they are in the sitting position, say “Sit,” give them the treat, and offer plenty of praise.

Why It’s Important: A puppy that knows how to sit will be easier to manage in various situations, from greeting guests to waiting patiently for meals.


The “Stay” command is crucial for keeping your puppy safe and under control, especially in potentially dangerous situations.

How to Teach It:

  1. First, make sure your puppy knows how to sit.
  2. Ask them to sit, then open your palm in front of you and say “Stay.”
  3. Take a few steps back. If they stay, reward them with a treat and praise. Gradually increase the distance over time.

Why It’s Important: Teaching your puppy to stay helps prevent them from running into traffic, approaching dangerous animals, or getting into other unsafe situations.


The “Come” command is essential for off-leash adventures and ensuring your puppy returns to you in any environment.

How to Teach It:

  1. Put a leash on your puppy and let them wander a short distance away.
  2. Gently pull on the leash while saying “Come” in an excited, happy tone.
  3. When they come to you, reward them with a treat and lots of praise.

Why It’s Important: A strong recall can prevent your puppy from getting lost or hurt and is invaluable for off-leash play and exploration.


“Down” is a great command for promoting calm behavior and can be particularly useful in high-energy puppies.

How to Teach It:

  1. Start with your puppy in a sitting position.
  2. Hold a treat close to their nose, then move your hand to the floor.
  3. Encourage their body to follow their head down to the ground. Once they’re lying down, say “Down,” and reward them with the treat.

Why It’s Important: Teaching your puppy to lie down helps in situations where you need them to settle down and relax, such as during a vet visit or when guests come over.

Leave It

The “Leave It” command is crucial for preventing your puppy from picking up potentially dangerous objects or food.

How to Teach It:

  1. Show your puppy a treat in your hand, then close your fist around it.
  2. Let them sniff, lick, and paw at your hand, but don’t open it.
  3. When they back away, say “Leave it,” and give them a treat from your other hand.

Why It’s Important: “Leave It” can prevent your puppy from ingesting harmful items and is useful for teaching them impulse control.

Final Thoughts

Training your puppy takes patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. These five commands lay a solid foundation for good behavior and ensure a harmonious relationship between you and your furry friend. At Puppy Play and Stay, we’re here to support you every step of the way. If you need additional training tips or other services such as boarding or daycare, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experienced team. Happy training!