Essential Training aids That Can Enhance Your Puppy’s Learning Journey

Training a puppy is an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be overwhelming with the sheer number of tools available. As you embark on this journey, choosing the right training aids can make a significant difference in your pup’s progress. At Puppy Play and Stay, we often see the positive impact of well-chosen training tools. Here’s a review of some of the most popular and effective training aids: clickers, harnesses, and training treats.

Clickers: Precision in Training

Clickers are small, handheld devices that make a distinct “click” sound when pressed. This sound serves as a marker to indicate to your puppy that they’ve performed a desired behavior correctly. The power of the clicker lies in its ability to provide immediate and clear feedback, which helps your puppy understand exactly what behavior is being rewarded.

Why invest in a clicker?
  1. Precision: The clicker’s sound is sharp and distinct, making it easier for your puppy to distinguish the exact moment they’ve done something right.
  2. Consistency: A clicker provides a consistent sound that doesn’t vary, unlike verbal praise which can be inconsistent.
Tips for using a clicker:
  • Start by associating the clicker sound with a treat. Click, then give your puppy a treat to establish a connection.
  • Use the clicker to mark desired behaviors immediately to help your puppy understand what is being rewarded.

Harnesses: Comfort and Control

Harnesses are an essential tool for puppies, especially when it comes to leash training. Unlike collars, which can put pressure on a puppy’s neck, harnesses distribute pressure across the chest and shoulders, making walks more comfortable and reducing the risk of injury.

Why invest in a harness?
  1. Comfort: Harnesses are designed to be comfortable and prevent strain on your puppy’s neck, which is crucial for their physical development.
  2. Control: They provide better control, especially for puppies who tend to pull on the leash. This can make training walks more effective and less stressful.
Tips for choosing and using a harness:
  • Ensure the harness fits well. It should be snug but not too tight, allowing for free movement.
  • Gradually introduce the harness to your puppy, using positive reinforcement to make them comfortable with wearing it.
Training Treats: Motivation and Reward

Training treats are an invaluable tool in any puppy training regimen. They serve as motivation and a reward for good behavior. However, not all treats are created equal.

Why invest in high-quality training treats?
  1. Motivation: Puppies are highly motivated by treats, making them more likely to perform desired behaviors when they know a reward is coming.
  2. Health: Opt for treats that are healthy and specifically designed for puppies. This ensures they are nutritious and won’t disrupt your puppy’s diet.
Tips for using training treats:
  • Choose treats that are small and easy to chew, allowing for quick rewards without overfeeding.
  • Rotate different types of treats to keep your puppy engaged and excited about training sessions.


Investing in the right training tools—clickers, harnesses, and training treats—can significantly enhance your puppy’s training experience. Each tool plays a unique role in fostering good behavior, ensuring comfort, and maintaining motivation. At our dog daycare and boarding facility, we’ve seen firsthand how these tools can make training more effective and enjoyable for both puppies and their owners. By choosing the right aids, you’re not just investing in your puppy’s immediate training needs, but also in their long-term well-being and happiness.