Why is Puppy Playtime So Essential?

Playtime is essential for your puppy’s growth and development for many reasons. Like human children, puppies learn so much from play, such as desired behaviors and new skills- all while also providing social and physical benefits! Let’s go over some main reasons why playtime is so important.


We have all heard a tired puppy is a good puppy, and there’s certainly some truth behind that. Dogs and puppies alike need physical exercise each day. If they are unable to burn energy, they can begin to develop destructive habits (such as chewing up things they shouldn’t) to help pass the time. Play is a relatively easy way to fit in some physical exercise for your puppy each day. Games like fetch, tug-of-war, or frisbee are great ways to have some fun with your pup and burn some energy too!


Having playtime with your puppy is a great way to incorporate some training. Using their favorite toys keeps them interested and involved without it becoming boring for them. Making this the perfect time to work on commands that you are trying to teach your puppy or maybe commands they are learning in their puppy training class. There are endless ways to work in commands such “Come”, “Drop-it”, “Sit”, or “Fetch” while playing with their toys!

Mental Stimulation

Play is a great way to give your puppy something to do and keep their mind busy. Some toys like Kongs or toys/games like Snuffle Mats, are specifically designed to work their brains by making them think. Depending on the breed of dog, you can research different types of games for them that suit their natural drives. For example, “Fetch” is an excellent way to stimulate the brain of a retriever pup. Not only is it fun for you both, but it helps stimulate their brain by getting them to listen to your commands while also getting them physical exercise.

Socializing with Other Dogs

Playing with other puppies is the perfect way for your dog to work on their social skills! During playtime, your pup will begin to understand their bite inhibition and other puppies’ boundaries. At times, puppies will yelp if another puppy nips too hard, this is their way of signaling to the other puppy to stop. This activity is a natural learning experience for all puppies to understand good manners and how to treat one another. However, always make sure that playtime between dogs or puppies is monitored so you can step in to help if needed or seperate them if the play gets a bit too rough.

Socializing with People

One of the best ways to strengthen your bond with your dog is to spend quality time together and engage in playful activities. Play and getting out and meeting new people when your puppy is between the ages of 3 and 12 weeks of age is key! Natural play with humans includes things like “body handling” (touching ears, paws, or their tail for example), teaching your dog to tolerate touch from human friends!

Are you struggling with training? Learn more about dog and puppy training with us or contact the professionals at Puppy Play and Stay to inquire about daycare or boarding.